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Ely 36: rich blessings


Wooden cross with trailing plants growing through it, leaned up against a brick wall in morning sunshine

Ely 36 took us to a new venue: the retreat house at Pleshey, near Chelmsford.

Bell gable poking up over the flat roof of a different building

It took us a little time to find our way around...

Group of people seated around a coffee table

... but we felt at home very quickly.

Dining room with laid tables under a rainbow canopy

Chelmsford Cursillo gave us a fantastic welcome, and went to a huge amount of trouble setting things up for us.

Group of people standing on steps outside a red brick building

A lively and open-minded group of pilgrims joined an enthusiastic staff team.

A woman standing at a lectern reads aloud

There were talks...

People seated around tables, talking

... discussions...

A dark church interior, with people seated around a cross formed of burning tealights

... quiet reflection...

Two cakes, one decorated with a cross in rainbow stripes, and butterflies, and the other with tiny rainbows

... and of course, cake.

In spite of the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic, the closure of Bishop Woodford House, and a new format, Ely 36 proved to be a time of great blessing.

The Welcome Back Ultreya will be a chance for everyone - those who attended Ely 36 Cursillo and those who didn't - to come together to share worship and fellowship. That will take place in Kimbolton on 15 January. Keep an eye on our Events page.

In the meantime, you can join us online for the last Refugio of 2021 on Saturday 18 December.

See a slideshow of all photos from Ely 36:

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