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Sunshine on Medway: UK Ultreya 2023


BACC Rep Lesley Bowring reports:

Canterbury Cursillo hosted this year's National Ultreya. On the Friday evening, prior to the main event, a fish and chip supper and quiz were held at St Peter's church in Rochester.

The National Ultreya was held at Rochester Cathedral on Saturday 3rd September.

The sun shone, and though numbers were smaller than usual for a National gathering, due mostly to the rail strike, those who attended raised the roof of the cathedral with joyful praise and worship.

Our National President, Beth Roberts, gave a brief summary of the conclusions of the BACC committee meeting that had been held the previous day:

  • Please would we share any ideas that we have with BACC.

  • Any person holding office in a diocese is invited and encouraged to attend a CLW. If places are available, any member of Cursillo may attend.

  • Would each diocese give thought and prayer about who could be nominated to be next BACC President. Beth's term of office finishes in May 2024.

  • Please pray for Secretariat officers in your diocese, and for those on BACC.

The gallery below shows some of the brightly coloured Cursillo banners, and Cursillistas from Ely gathered in Rochester cathedral.

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